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What is a certificate of deposit?

What are certificates of deposit? A certificate of deposit (CD) is a savings account that holds a fixed amount of money for a fixed period of time, such as six months, one year, or five years, and in exchange, the issuing bank pays interest. When you cash in or redeem your CD, you receive the money you originally invested plus any interest.

Are certificates of deposit a good investment?

Certificates of deposit (CDs) generally pay higher interest rates than savings and money market accounts. CDs are a safer and more conservative investment than stocks and bonds, but offer lower opportunity for growth. You can find CDs at banks, credit unions, and brokerages.

What is a fixed rate Certificate of deposit?

A fixed rate certificate of deposit is a CD that has a set or fixed interest rate that is paid over the entire term of the instrument. The total fixed interest earned along with the CD principal is paid to the investor once the certificate of deposit reaches maturity.

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